Country Artists: Eric Ethridge & Kalsey Kulyk - Love on the Road

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Hey Creative People, this week I'm chatting with country music artists Eric Ethridge & Kalsey Kulyk. Kalsey and Eric tell me about their life in country music pre/post Covid, and about their new project "Love on the Road".

I know next to nothing about country music but what we lack in music overlap we make up for connecting over creativity and how the two of them interact with it. These two are driven, positive, and crazy cute together. Great chat.

Have a good week buds. Keep making. -RL

"Eric Ethridge and Kalsey Kulyk though solo artists in their own right, Eric and Kalsey are also married, and due to the pandemic decided to make the move back to Canada from Nashville, fix up a van and take their talents cross-country, filming it all for their forthcoming digital series “Love On The Road”. "


Music Producer: Big Soda - "But why does it sound good?"


Content Creator: Caitlin Mulroney - “My Tech Wardrobe”