2021: Now what?

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I don't know how your 2020 went, and it doesn't matter anymore.
It's 2021, now what are we going to do next?

I have a couple of thoughts on where we're at, and our creative mindset going into the new year. I hope you find them encouraging.

Guys, we did it, 2020 is over. For some of us, it might have actually been, kind of a great year. We don’t want to say it but it has been. We' don’t like seeing people anyway and we’re just starting to miss people now.

Or we took on a project this year, and that project took on a life of its own - we’re felt bad because we saw the world go to shit. But deep inside we’re feeling kind of great too. Don’t feel bad about that. 2020 was your year to go for it, you worked hard and you took a massive leap, congrats my friend.

But for some of 2020 was a real shit show. The things that kept us going, they dried up. Things that we were looking forward to, things that we worked really fucking hard for… gone.

Some of us have been hit hard financially, a lot of creative outlets require extra money and that may have been hard to come by.

Some of us have just been drifting. We’ were stuck in neutral all year long. Nothing crazy bad happened to us, nothing happened. And that affected our creativity. We’re drifting into the new year, pretty much how we drifted through the whole year and that can be depressing.

No matter what though, 2020 is in the books. It doesn't matter if it was weirdly good, mind-numbingly dull, or really fucking hard. Now what?

Well, nothing. We didn’t wake up to a brand new world this morning, we know that. But New Years’ is a symbol and symbols are important. They can be powerful motivators for our heads and our guts.

What I say is Creative People, let’s fuck it up in 2021.

If you kicked ass in 2020, keep that shit going.

If you survived. Hey, you didn’t let 2020 break you. And you’re going to get through 2021. Sometimes just surviving is a “fuck-you” to the hard stuff that we go through.

If you were stuck in neutral all year long, maybe start chasing curiosities. If passion is gone, notice the little sparks and follow those. One of those could turn into a fire for you.

Guys, we do hard work. Creating is hard. It’s easy, it’s wonderful, it’s inspirational … and it can be terrible. It’s an anxiety that people who don’t take on creative living don’t have to worry about. I think 2020 showed a lot of us that.

2021 is going to be whatever the fuck it’s going to be.

We get to play with it. We get to fight it.

We get to create it.

That’s how we make the year. Showing up. Doing the work. Taking care of ourselves and the people we care about and MAKING.

Let’s fuck it up in 2021. Whatever that means to you. You are a Creative Person and you got this.

Here’s to the end of 2020 and to the start of 2021

Happy New Year, friends.


CRAZY LIL’ IDEA VEHICLES: Building & Rebuilding Idea Vehicles with green pigs and Creativity